Saturday, April 07, 2012

Look at our Konrad, our HUGE FROG!


About 2 years ago, we took in the last surviving tadpole, Konrad, from a neighbor's science fair project. We've had a couple of Konrad sightings here and there but none for a long time....UNTIL TODAY.  Bill is cleaning the pond today and as he was draining it, he saw a very large mud-covered frog shaped thing.  We used to have a frog ornament sitting on the edge of the pond and that is what he thought it was because of its size and because we haven't seen Konrad in so long.  He poked it and what a surprise! Konrad was surprised and indignant at having his hibernation disturbed and Bill was surprised because he really didn't expect it to be a live frog. I don't know how long frogs hibernate but it must still be early because Konrad went right back to sleep.

His camouflage is quite good.  The muddy blob in the yellow circle is our froggie.  Look carefully, his folded hind legs give him away.  We are very happy Konrad will be helping with mosquito control this summer!

Posted via email from Cathleen Phelps

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