Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mrs. Mallard visits the Hotel Monaco

Eva and I saw Mrs. Mallard today sitting on the corner by the Hotel Monaco. You can't tell from the picture but she has TEN ducklings there! I don't know why she was on a street corner and far far away from any water and, presumably, her nest.

There was a police officer standing by, waiting for animal control. I had visions of Carl (was that his name? in Make Way for Ducklings?) escorting Momma Duck and her babies back to the river. But NooOOOOooooo. The Animal Control guy came with his cat carrier thing and scooped up all the babies. Momma Duck was in a huge panic (who can blame her?) but did not want to get in the truck. Mr. Animal Control assured me Momma Duck was going to follow him but I think it all seemed so needlessly traumatic. I bet he could have picked up one duckling and started walking; Momma and all her babies would have followed. It was only 5 blocks to the river.

I wish I hadn't stayed to see that part.
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