Monday, June 30, 2008

Birdfeeder = Cat TV

There was no way to get the cats AND the birdfeeder in the picture at the same time. I bought a supposedly squirrel-proof birdfeeder at the kids' school auction this year and now there are now lots and lots of birds and squirrels on the patio now. For birds, we mostly have cardinals, finches, sparrows and the occasional chickadee or blue jay. For squirrels, we have the fat kind.

KC and Noelle are even more obsessed with the wildlife outside than they were before. The other day I woke up and one or both of the cats had gotten one of the screens out of the kitchen windows. Thank goodness I had left the window closed because who knows what would have ended up in the house if the window was open without a screen! We do get possums and raccoons out there too! And the cats, at least KC, would have been g - o - n - e.
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