Thursday, April 05, 2007

New Sweater!

I just finished this sweater for Lyra and it is a good thing because I think it won't fit for long. Lyra turned 15 months old on Sunday. At her check up, she weighed 21 lbs 9 oz and was 30 1/4 inches long. That puts her at 25-50% for weight and 50-75% for height. She is definitely more petite than Will and Eva but certainly middle of the road in size.

Lyra is a such a good little buddy despite 5 teeth trying to come in at once. Se does this "big nod" when she likes smething or agrees with you and it is just the funniest thing!I've gotten the "big nod" for making lunch, diaper changes, and most recently (!) when I asked her if she loved her Mommy. Lyra only has a few words but clearly will be a world class charades player. She finds her bib when she is hungry, and she lies on her back in front of me on the floor and raises her bottom when she wants a new diaper. Maybe that means learning to use the loo is not far behind...

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