Monday, May 23, 2011

Photo Day for Lyra's Ballet Class


was yesterday and we took our own photo in the garden.  I don't know where she got the idea to pose like this!

Lyra takes ballet at Tiny Dancers.  The kids got to vote on the recital theme, the choices being (unfortunately) a bunch of Disney movie titles. Aladdin was the winner. I have never seen this movie but her class's dance has something to do with finding an oasis. The girls wear these funny little costumes with these old fashioned bathing cap things and they will be dancing to Surfin' Safari by the Beach Boys. How exactly this relates to the theme of Aladdin, I am not quite sure. I guess someone sees a connection between the Oasis and the beach but that is a big stretch for me.  Personally, I would prefer actual classical ballet themes and music, but the kids do have a lot of fun and they sure are cute. Maybe things get a little more traditional in the older classes.

Lyra is going to try a tap/hip hop class this summer.  She *desperately* wants tap shoes, what little girl doesn't?  Not a lot of hip hop fans in this household but I can't wait to see what she learns this summer.  I anticipate some fun video opportunities!

Posted via email from Cathleen Phelps

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