Friday, April 01, 2011

April Fool!


The kids realized mid-day that it was April Fool's Day. Unfortunately for Eva, she had school so Will and Lyra had extra time during the day to work some mischief as you can see.  Will also short-sheeted Eva's and Lyra's beds.  And Will did that silly trick on Lyra where he talked her into letting him put a glass of water on the back of each hand while she had them resting flat on the table.  After 2 minutes, she realized she couldn't go anywhere! She was so mad that she wanted to get him back.  Being only 5 and completely unsophisticated (and also not knowing how to short-sheet a bed), Lyra snuck into Will's room and then dragged him in to proudly show Will her April Fool's prank which was......a perfectly made bed! Silly Lyra! I will have to help Eva get Will back later tonight when she is home from her friends' house.  And I told Will if he played any April Fool's joke on me involving a rodent, bug or other creepy crawlie that he'd never get an allowance ever AGAIN.  I think I am safe until he has a steady job.

Posted via email from Cathleen Phelps

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