Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow. AGAIN.

One would think I would have multiple postings per day given all the time I've had at home with the snow here. But I can't bring myself to write about it! As usual, this sort of thing always starts off as a big adventure. The kids did lots of snowball fights and sledding. We are lucky we can walk to the grocery store and we've taken advantage of that opportunity when there has been food on the shelves to buy. We've made soup, spaghetti sauce, cookies, muffins, strawberry shortcake (in a valiant attempt to pretend it is summer), coffee cake and I am sure there will be more to come! No one is going to fit into their pants at the end of it all.

School has been canceled all week. Will's teacher has been sending regular assignments and Eva's sent some homework yesterday so there is at least some constructive academics the kids can be doing with all this time. I have decluttered some of the kids' shelves in the library and Eva's room. But hiding the bags of stuff from them has not been easy! I think the basement might be next area for cleaning. It is warm down there.

The second snowstorm is going on even as I type this. After determining the wire down in back is not an electrical line (probably a phone line), I went out back to survey the damage. We are definitely going to need some professional assistance cleaning everything up once the snow is gone. And I can see the gutter on the back of the house is beginning to buckle! I hate that there's nothing I can do about it.

Bill left for Australia last Sunday and I hope he can come home this weekend. Cross your fingers!

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