Saturday, May 26, 2007

I failed to user test our games in advance. As a result, the gladiator fight with the pool noodles didn't really work. The kids could have beat each other with those noodles for hours and not moved each other 6 inches much less across the endlines we set up. So, we rearranged events and did something else while Bill racked his brain for an alternative. And he eventually came up with one.....BLINDFOLDS. Except we didn't have anything to use for blindfolds, not having planned in advance to do any such thing. So, the funny "leather" armor Will helped me make for the gladiator gear had to become the blindfold.

Here is Will fighting with Natalie, one of his favorite girls. (He would Just Die if he knew I typed that out here for the world to see). Yes, there were women gladiators. No, that is no way to treat a lady but we are working on that.
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