We've thought for awhile that KC needed another cat to play with and we'd talked about getting him a kitten next spring. But then a wonderful opportunity presented itself last week. The breeder who brought us KC had a year-old kitten she was willing to part with.
Meet Noelle. Like KC, she is a Siberian cat. Her coloration is called "colorpoint" which means her colors are primarily on her points, i.e., face, ears, legs and tail. In real life, her eyes are blue. They are very clear and reflect lots of light so it is difficult to photograph them well. She is related to KC but we haven't figured out exactly how, either a niece or distant cousin. Noelle came home this past Saturday and has hidden herself well.
KC now knows there is another cat in the house. He is mildly curious and mildly put out about it but, for the most part, is carrying on as usual. This seems to be very un-catlike behavior but then, we've always thought that KC was part dog. More on this story as it develops!
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